Sunday, September 28, 2008

Family, Sonship, by Jennifer Jones

Family, Sonship Painting,

“In My Fathers house are many, many rooms.”

“He has a big, Big house.”

“I am a child of God.”

“Nothing can separate me from the Love of God.”

“ Just as God loves His Son and His Son loves His Father that is how I am loved.”

These phrases ran through my heart as I painted this piece.

As I prayed and soaked I asked the Lord about the issue of being in His family. A vision of a family reunion came to my heart and being called into that family sitting on the porch of a big old house. As I looked into that blurry vision I saw arms wrapped around one another, hands on shoulders, and faces cheek to cheek for the photo.

I was asking the Lord, how do I paint being called into Your house? And the thought of a shofar, light, and a “way” came to me. A picture of being called through a doorway covered by the blood of the lamb onto that porch of my Fathers BIG, BIG house!

I pray that as you peer into this piece that you are able to HEAR and SEE that same call to “COME SIT ON THE PORCH OF MY BIG, BIG HOUSE” “YOU ARE MY CHILD, A PART OF MY FAMILY”